
Do You Know the Top Blockchains Built Using Rust — This Blog Will Cover It All!!!

11 May 2023

It’s not all just rust and grey..

In fact, it’s turning out to be that the popular blockchains that have been built today were programmed using Rust.

Web3 developers all over the world have found a liking for the bygone memory-safe programming language that helps to build powerful blockchain platforms.

Tons of programming languages such as Solidity, Java, C++, etc. are being used to code exemplary decentralized applications today, but Rust has certain unique peculiarities that make it an instant favorite.

With Rust being so developer-friendly and easy on debugging mechanisms, Web3 developers have consorted to using the programming language to build stellar-impactful blockchain solutions.

In this article, we’ll list out the top 4 popular blockchains built using Rust and how each of those blockchains benefitted from the use of the language.

What is Rust and why is it Significant?

Rust is a statically-typed, memory-safe programming language that is used to create high-performance applications. It was developed at Mozilla by Graydon Hoare in 2010 to combat one of the major drawbacks of C++, namely ‘invalid memory access’.

The major significance of Rust is that it takes a lot of weight off the shoulders of the mature developer. Compared to most programming languages, it’s got a simple syntax style that helps in efficient and easy coding.

Developers save a lot of time while developing blockchain or other high-performance applications using Rust as it helps resolve multiple bug classes. They don’t have to go through the heat of memory-related bugs during compilation.

With faster execution speeds, developers just have to focus on the application logic and not focus on resolving unnecessary bugs. Another striking aspect that makes Rust an appealing language to build blockchain applications is that it supports higher-order computation tasks seamlessly.

Streamlining of workflows can be easily carried out with Rust. It’s got an easy learning curve and thanks to its intuitive interface, developers can navigate integral functionalities easily. Web3 developers use Rust also because it’s compatible with other coding languages such as C++, Java, Python, etc.

Top 4 Popular Blockchains Built Using Rust

Blockchain developers use Rust to build high-level, secure applications that revolve around decentralization models. The language is very suitable to build smart-contract-enforced dApps and is being used by several companies to deploy effective blockchain applications. Let’s take a look at the top 5 popular blockchains in the market today built using Rust.

1. Polkadot

The highly scalable and secure blockchain ecosystem, Polkadot, is one one the most popular blockchain protocols that are used by millions of users every day. It is built using Rust and delivers top-level data encryption and the spectrum of a wholesome decentralized model. The major highlight of Polkadot is that it facilitates interoperability between multiple parallel blockchains using the so-called parachains.

Users participating in the Polkadot blockchain can facilitate data transfer between multiple blockchains, say for instance, between Ethereum and Bitcoin. The official token used in the Polkadot ecosystem, namely DOT, is used for two purposes. The first is for staking, which is used to verify transactions and the second is for governance purposes, such as voting to make changes to the working protocols.

2. Solana

Undoubtedly, the most popular blockchain construed using Rust is none other than Solana. The man behind its conception, Anatoly Yakovenko, and Solana Labs, the team that developed the project to be acclaimed for having built a powerful, smart-contract blockchain.

SOL tokens that power the Solana ecosystem are used to facilitate data exchanges across the various dApps built on the popular blockchain. It also supports the cause of voting that is used for sustaining an efficient governance model.

Contrary to other blockchains, Solana uses the ‘Proof of History’ timestamping mechanism to validate transactions and record real-time data stampings. Over 60,000 transactions can be easily carried out on the platform with high efficiency and security enforced. There’s apparently a fraction of a cent that is counted as a transaction fee, making Solana a much-loved blockchain ecosystem.

3. Elrond

When it comes to speed and efficiency, the Elrond blockchain is the absolute contender thanks to its internet-sharding capability. Almost 15,000 transactions can be easily surfaced per second by the ingenious blockchain coding that supports it. Of course, it wouldn’t have been possible without the use of Rust.

Not only does it support such a high level of TPS but the decentralized ecosystem offers uptime security and scalability. There are very few transaction fees involved while operating with EGLD native tokens. Elrond supports the interoperability of blockchains just like Polkadot does. Validity of transactions in Elrond is ensured using the SPoS or secure Proof-of-Stake consensus mechanism, which is a prominent feature enabled using the Rust programming language.

4. Hyperledger Sawtooth

That definitely sounds like a monster, and the team that built it wanted the blockchain ecosystem to be just that. The Linux foundation went hands-on with tech giants such as IBM, Intel, and SAP, to design the underlying masterpiece of the blockchain. Hyperledger is apparently the most legit blockchain ecosystem that’s popular for its transparent nature.

It’s an enterprise-level blockchain system used for building authentic, powerful distributed ledger solutions. The consensus algorithms used in Hyperledger, such as the likes of ‘Proof-of-elapsed-time’ and ‘Practical Byzantine Fault Tolerance’ are credible for the purpose of token validation.

Businesses use Hyperledger as a BaaS solution owing to the distributed feature of the ledger propositioned in the blockchain system. Smart contracts are highly secure, thus enforcing authentic validation of transactions and proposals. It was initially built using Python, however, to incorporate more flexibility and control, Rust was used.

Want to learn Rust?

Those are the top 4 blockchains built using the Rust programming language. So, do you want to build a powerful blockchain application using Rust? If so, you can do it by signing up for IBC Media’s CEP or Continuous Education Program where we cover all the intricate concepts concerning the use of Rust to build enterprise blockchain applications.

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IBC Media is building the largest, global blockchain ecosystem initiative from India. The company has a pioneering legacy of managing partnerships and establishing grassroots efforts in the Indian market. IBC Media’s debut event — IBC 2018 was a major success which had a confluence of top-line government attendees, VCs, regulators, blockchain companies, speakers, and sponsors.

IBC 2.0, the second edition in this series is the kick-start to IBC’s massive 5-year agenda with a global focus on creating Web3 industry-ready talent across 1000 engineering colleges, building 1000 DApps, a top-line talent pool of 1 Mn developers and 10 Mn retail investors.